Pure moods track listing
Pure moods track listing

pure moods track listing pure moods track listing pure moods track listing

On the other end of the spectrum-where the New Age sound pushes deep swirls of tone and layered vocals into total plushy oblivion-there's connecting fibers between the aforementioned "Orinoco Flow" and "Return to Innocence," as well as the piping, exoticized chillout of French duo Deep Forest's "Sweet Lullaby." Otherwise, Pure Moods is largely dotted with odd film soundtrack selections that, while staying true to the plurality of the compilation's title itself, present no unified sonic front or, at the very least, the thoughtful sequencing that any variety-driven playlist would demand in the modern age. 4" and Jan Hammer's indelible Miami Vice-soundracking "Crockett's Theme." Granted, there are a few tracks that carry similar strands of sonic DNA in that vein the gauzy, weightless drift of the title track to musical mastermind Brian Eno's 1975 classic "Another Green World" makes for solid bedfellows with British ambient-techno pioneers the Orb's saucer-eyed "Little Fluffy Clouds," as well as the pinwheel synths of French electronic producer Jean-Michel Jarre's "Oxygène Pt. Of course, truth in advertising is more often than not relative, as the music of Pure Moods possesses little in calm-inducing uniformity when it comes to vibe curation.

Pure moods track listing